Test Requirements: 6th Kyu

Next: 5th kyu

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20 Practice hours


  • Tai-no-henko; static and ki-no-nagare

    • one-hand grab, 180 turn; static and flowing

  • Morote-dori kokyu-ho

    • two-hand grab on one, pivot and throw behind 

  • Shomen-uchi ikkyo; omote and ura-waza

    • overhead strike; 1st arm pin; front and behind

  • gyaku-te-dori kote-gaeshi

    • opposite hand grab; wrist twist

  • suwari-waza kokyu-ho

    • seated two-hand grab and throw


  • First 2 Ken Suburi

    1. straight strike

    2. step back, open, then forward strike

  • First 2 Jo Suburi

    1. choku-tsuki (start with jo vertical; grab under and poke forward)

    2. kae-shi-tsuki (pinky on top; rotate and poke forward)


  • forward roll (mae-ukemi)

  • side/back fall