
Thursday, January 22, 2015

2015: A New Year of Training

2014 was our first full calendar year at Kinjo Aikido Dojo. We're off to a great start and have had a steady stream of interest and new students on the mat. Thank you to everyone who has supported the dojo!

We're making a couple of minor changes that will hopefully simplify dues/donations and our free trial period.

Free Trial Period
Since we started, the trial period has been a free month of training, or 30 days from the time a new student starts at the dojo. Rather than use a period of time, we're changing it to 8 practice days.

Since forming the dojo, we wanted to have donations rather than dues since we are a non-profit and those of you that wished to work that into your taxes would be able to. However, since we are providing a service of aikido instruction, we'll have to just call monthly (or class by class mat fees) dues.

If you wish to make a donation in addition to monthly dues, please tell us that is the case and we'll write or e-mail you a receipt for your taxes. Donations made on their own are tax deductible.

Minimum Payment
We have always been flexible with dues and that will not change. Pay when you can, what you can. However, if you can't afford the $60/month dues, we ask that you pay a minimum of $20/month if that is what your finances will allow.

If the $20 minimum is still too much let us know. We don't want anyone staying home from class because they can't pay for practice!

Thank you again to everyone who comes out every week to train aikido and support the dojo. We could not do it without you!

See you on the mat!
