
Thursday, August 29, 2013

New Survey

New survey is up!

If you have an interest in aikido training in the northwest metro Denver area, please take two minutes to fill out the form and let us know what works best for you.

Since we are still in the planning stage, we can be somewhat flexible about our future location and times. The more input the better.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Getting Started

Being a web developer and database admin, setting up a web presence for Kinjo Dojo is the easy part. Next step, and far more challenging is finding a place to practice. We are hoping to train two nights a week, either Tuesday/Thursday or Monday/Wednesday.

I have received permission from our teacher, Andrew Blevins Sensei, to begin the process of opening an Iwama-style dojo in northwest metro Denver. Since Tyffany and I live in Broomfield, that would be the ideal location, but we are open to alternatives and may end up closer to downtown.